Useful (and Un-useful) Measurements
How far is a Parsec?
Contrary to what many people think, a Parsec is a unit of distance, not time. Take it from this Star Wars aficionado (and aspiring padawan), a Parsec equals 19 Trillion miles.
How many ounces (oz) in a cup?
There are 8 ounces (oz) in a cup.
How many teaspoons (tsp) is a garlic clove minced?
1 teaspoon (tsp) of minced garlic equals 1 garlic clove.
What is the best Christmas Movie?
Die Hard. Of course.
How many teaspoons of a dried herb can be used to replace fresh herbs?
It can depend on the herb, or how you are planning on using it, but in general, you can replace 1 Tablespoon (Tbs) of a fresh herb with 1 teaspoon (tsp) of a dried herb.
What is the most dangerous sushi?
Fugu. A type of pufferfish that contains the neurotoxin Tetrodotoxin. It is 1,000 times more toxic and deadly than cyanide. Preparation of Fugu is governed by law to ensure that the fish is filleted correctly to remove the toxin. Chefs must train, pass several tests, and complete an apprenticeship before they are licensed to prepare this dish. There is no antidote or antitoxin to Fugu tetrodotoxin.
How many Tablespoons (Tbs) in an ounce (oz)?
There are 2 Tablespoons (Tbs) in an ounce (oz). (an 1/8th of a cup)
How many teaspoons (tsp) are in a Tablespoon (Tbs)?
There are 3 teaspoons (tsp) in a Tablespoon (Tbs).
How many Tablespoons (Tbs) of juice are in a lemon or lime?
This can vary depending on the size of the fruit as well as how fresh the lemon or lime is. In general, you can get about 2 Tablespoons (Tbs) of juice out of a lemon or lime.
How much is a Dash, a Pinch, and a Smidgen?
A Dash is 1/8th a teaspoon (tsp). A Pinch is 1/16th a teaspoon (tsp). A Smidgen is 1/32th a teaspoon (tsp).
How much is a Smoot?
One Smoot = 5’ 7” (look it up for a good read)
What is the best way to cook a steak?
The way that it tastes good to you. Stop watching the cooking shows on TV that tell you that all steaks must be seared in a cast-iron pan, basted with fresh herbs, and cooked to Medium-Rare. This is a tasty steak, but so are steaks that are broiled, cooked on a propane grill, or seared over open-flame. And if you like your steak Well Done - then you do you. Just please don’t cover it in ketchup.
What is the hottest chili pepper?
The World Record for the hottest pepper belongs to the Carolina Reaper. This variety of pepper was made by combining the La Soufriere Pepper and the Naga Viper Pepper and can exceed 2,000,000 heat units on the Scoville Scale. For comparison, a Jalapeno Pepper is only 3,000 Scoville Heat Units.
What is the largest crab in the World?
The largest crab in the World is not the Alaskan King Crab but a species on the complete opposite side of the globe: the Tasmanian Giant Crab. It can weigh close to 40 pounds and the shell across its back can be 18 inches wide. The Japanese Spider Crab is a close second. While the body is slightly smaller, its leg-span can reach 12 feet, tip to tip.
When Obi-Wan tells Anakin that only the Sith deal in absolutes, wouldn’t that apply to Obi-Wan’s own statement?
Taken out of context, it would appear that way. But Obi-Wan only said this in response to Anakin’s challenge “if you’re not with me, then you’re my enemy!” While the statement may have been phrased as an absolute, Obi-Wan was only trying to point out the absurdity of Anakin’s position and his decline to the Dark Side.