Food is culture. Food is history. Food is fun.
Is this the cookbook for you?
Use this handy guide to determine if you’re ready for these recipes and shenanigans…
Do the words “beer” and “cheese” belong together? Do you have dreams about pouring beer-cheese all over a bacon burger? A bacon burger that’s on a pretzel bun? If YES, this book is for you.
When you plan your vacations, is the itinerary based around restaurants and bars? If YES, then this is the cookbook for you.
Are you reading this while you’re on a Code-7? If YES, then this book was written for you. And it makes a great gift so buy one for your Dispatcher too!
Now go 10-8, ya slacker.
Do you have Blade Runner or Dune on VHS? Can you name all members of the Fellowship in Lord of the Rings? Can you identify each house in Game of Thrones by it’s sigil? Then put down the D20 and pick up this cookbook. In addition to badass cookery, there is a great deal of nerdery.
Is your favorite NFL Team in the NFC North Division? But not the Vikings, or Lions, or the Bears? If YES, then this is your cookbook, ya cheese-head.
Do you consider Buffalo Wings the World’s greatest culinary invention? If YES, this book is for you.
If you don’t like wings, there’s still hope for you if you like Bourbon, Beer, and Bacon.
When you drop an ice cube on the floor do you actually pick it up? If YES, why? It’s just going to melt. Why put forth the effort of leaning all the way down there and picking it up when you can just kick it under the fridge? You need more shortcuts in your life. Like the shortcuts, tips, and kitchen hacks in this cookbook.
Do you like movies? Are you the type of person that can recite every line from every Will Ferrell movie to annoy your friends and family? If YES, then did we just become best friends?
Badass Cookery & General Shenanigans
If you're looking for a cookbook with a collection of recipes that feature kale and wheatgrass, and excerpts from the author’s perfect life, and dishes that require an unlimited budget and access to an organic warehouse, then keep web-surfing because this is not the cookbook for you. Do like bacon and butter and bourbon and BBQ? Do you like drinking beer, while cooking with beer, to serve dishes that should be paired with beer? Then we should probably be hanging out.
Cooking should be fun. This book was written to dispel cooking myths, provide tips and kitchen hacks to make your cook game easier, and share some of my family’s favorite dishes. Whether you’re a seasoned, culinary warrior, or just started playing around in the kitchen, these recipes are a mix of common, traditional meals as well as some unique “fun foods” that are worth a try. And they are provided in a fun format because cookbooks shouldn’t read like the instruction manual for building Swedish furniture.
Most of these are recipes for two. I’m not a fan of cookbooks that provide serving sizes large enough for the cast of Game of Thrones when I’m usually just cooking for my wife and I. These recipes for two are easy enough to double if you have a large family. (It’s easier to dial a recipe up than it is to reduce it. Ever tried using half an egg?) This collection of badass recipes includes cuisine from all corners of the globe: Fire Grilled Ribeye Steak, Thai-Style Mussels and Clams, Chinese Salt & Pepper Chicken Wings, Cajun BBQ Shrimp, French Onion Soup Sliders, Poutine Chicken Sandwiches and more. Take a peek at some page samples and check out the Recipes Page for a rotation of favorite dishes.